Monday, June 4, 2012

Fluoride Is Good For Cavity arresting

Pediatric Dentistry Ri - Fluoride Is Good For Cavity arresting
The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Before the unique. It is now near to enter destination Fluoride Is Good For Cavity arresting. And the content associated with Pediatric Dentistry Ri.

Do you know about - Fluoride Is Good For Cavity arresting

Pediatric Dentistry Ri! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

What is fluoride?

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How is Fluoride Is Good For Cavity arresting

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Pediatric Dentistry Ri.

Fluoride is a compound that contains fluorine and this is available as a natural mineral in a large estimate of foods as well as drinking water. The quantum of this compound in water varies from one area to another. Regular consumption of this in small quantities helps in preventing tooth decay. The fluoride does not exist in natural form in unavoidable areas and hence it is added to the society water supplies.

Cavity Prevention

Fluoride strengthens the tooth enamel thereby development it more unyielding to tooth decay. Loss of minerals from tooth enamel is prevented by this compound; added fluoride encourages re-mineralization. Because of re-mineralization weak areas of the tooth that are responsible for developing cavities are strengthened.


It has been found in custom that for controlling or preventing tooth decay fluoride plays a considerable part and it has been found to be effective and safe. It is advisable to preclude children having way to fluoride products because excess fluoride intake will supervene in fluorosis of developing permanent teeth.

Children and fluoride supplements

You must consult the pediatric dentist before giving fluoride supplements to your child. The dentist takes into inventory assorted factors before recommending a fluoride supplement. Most importantly he might look at the age of your child, risk for developing dental decay and dietary sources. The fluoride article varies in the middle of assorted infant formulas. Similarly the fluoride article in bottled, filtered and well waters differs. Based on the above data the dentist will determine whether your child requires any added intake of this compound.


Dental fluorosis is caused by the excess intake of fluoride in children. If the children under the age of 7 years living in areas where water supply has been fluorinated and also take fluoride supplements they are likely to be affected by fluorosis. Mild fluorosis is illustrated as small flecks or white lines in the color of a pearl and existence of mild fluorosis can be diagnosed only by a dentist. Severe fluorosis may lead to the enamel being pitted and discolored. Development of fluorosis is dependent on the duration, estimate and timing of immoderate fluoride intake. The appearance of teeth affected by fluorosis can be greatly improved by a variety of treatments in aesthetic dentistry.

Water supply

You must check with your water victualer whether your water is fluoridated or not; if so the quantity of fluoride level. The fluoride article in water varies from one place to the other depending on your residence. It is also be available in fish, tea, milk, salt etc. This availability may be natural or added specifically.

Toothpaste for children

Your child must be given toothpaste with fluoride that has been popular ,favorite by assorted Dental Associations in the world. However, the parents must ensure that the children do not swallow too much of toothpaste.

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