Thursday, July 19, 2012

Removing Old Dental Amalgam Fillings and the Danger of Mercury

Pediatrics Dentistry - Removing Old Dental Amalgam Fillings and the Danger of Mercury
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Do you know about - Removing Old Dental Amalgam Fillings and the Danger of Mercury

Pediatrics Dentistry! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Amalgam fillings are those silver coloured fillings, sometimes referred to as "silver" or "mercury" fillings that were a very beloved recovery material used by dentists during the "drill & fill" era in the 1970's.

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How is Removing Old Dental Amalgam Fillings and the Danger of Mercury

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Pediatrics Dentistry.

There is a lot of controversy regarding the mercury component of this filling material as patients who have amalgam fillings are exposed to a daily dose of mercury. Whilst exposure is extremely low, there are concerns over the condition effects regarding constant mercury exposure as there is a inherent for illness, disease and disorders. Amalgam as a dental filling material contains silver, tin and copper but half of the filling material in weight consists of Mercury.

There is no doubt that when the time comes for you to have a filling, clinical studies prove that choosing an alternative material to dental amalgam is your best option but what about if you already have a mouthful of Amalgam fillings? Should you have them removed and supplanted with an alternative filling material?

Certainly it is better not to have had the amalgam filling in the first place but removing the old mercury filling can expose the sick person to excess mercury during the discharge process. This excess exposure can be reduced!

There is no conclusive evidence to advise either it is safer to leave Amalgam fillings in place or to take off them. Some dentists believe that dental amalgam is a safe material and continue to use it whilst others think the opposite. Dentists do not commonly advise removing old amalgam fillings unless the sick person has mercury sensitivity but millions of old amalgam fillings are removed every day throughout the world with most patients being excessively exposed to mercury particles and vapor. Amalgam fillings don't last forever and citizen today want a natural look that is more aesthetically pleasing as well as choosing a safer material. This is why we should look for advice from dentists about the safe discharge of amalgam fillings.

Dentists nowadays can reduce the mercury exposure that the sick person receives by following some simple coarse sense rules which have been put together by important dental expert bodies such as Iaomt and the Ada. Patients commonly travel to Hungary for amalgam discharge because the policy is less high-priced and the high tech clinics have all of the significant equipment to safely take off amalgam and replace with a strong safer material.

Cut not Grind

Grinding away the amalgam can form mercury particles which can be inhaled. Our Hungarian dentists cut the amalgam into chunks which will aerosolise the amalgam less. Also spraying with water will keep temperatures lower and reduce vapor pressure within the mercury. It has to be said that permissible inspection of the tooth is done to ensure that all of the amalgam has been excavated from the area.


Our dentists keep that high volume evacuation (Hve) suction ideas right next to the patients tooth and we make sure it discharges exterior of the building. Some systems will pump mercury vapor back in the room. Dams Our dentists swear by rubber dams to isolate the area and catch amalgam debris. Saliva ejectors are also placed behind the rubber dam and once the amalgam is removed the rubber dam is also removed and rinsed.


Our dentists also like to cover the face so that no amalgam particles can land on the skin or in the eyes. A isolate airway is also provided.


Amalgam has been in use since dentists first started to restore teeth but what is more shocking is that it is still used by dentists in Great Britain today as it is not yet a regulated or restricted material. There are conflicting views over the use of Amalgam as it contains mercury but some dentists still favour this material as it is cheap, durable and easy to use.

Some countries have banned Amalgam, but still patients should consent to it's use before allowing a dentist to place Amalgam fillings into the mouth in which mercury is the main component.

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