Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Clean Drinking Water - A Thing of the Past?

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The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Before the unique. It is now near to enter destination Clean Drinking Water - A Thing of the Past?. And the content associated with Pediatrics Dentistry.

Do you know about - Clean Drinking Water - A Thing of the Past?

Pediatrics Dentistry! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Is it safe to drink the water? No,I'm not planning a trip to Mexico. I'm talking about the water advent out of the tap.

What I said. It isn't outcome that the true about Pediatrics Dentistry. You read this article for information about what you wish to know is Pediatrics Dentistry.

How is Clean Drinking Water - A Thing of the Past?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Pediatrics Dentistry.

Consider this. There are over 75,000 toxic chemicals used in contemporary society. Many are proved to cause cancer. The Epa (Environmental safety Agency) has set minimum safety standards on only about 90 of them.

Nobody absolutely knows how many toxic chemicals are in our drinking water. A study was done by the Ralph Nader investigate Group. It accomplished that over 2100 toxic chemicals have been detected in our water.

Almost all collective water systems have some level of contamination. What level of contamination is safe?

The National Cancer create stated "No Level of exposure to a chemical carcinogen should be determined toxicologically insignificant to humans." What can be found in the typical water contribute that the government tells us are at a safe level?

Lead-Can consequent in learning disabilities,behavioral problems,stunted growth and impaired hearing Inorganic Contaminants-Asbestos,Barium,Cadmium,Cyanide,Mercury among others Bromate-May growth risk of getting Cancer Chlorate-Causes nervous law problems Haloacetic Acids-May growth risk of getting Cancer Mtbe-A fuel additive used to sacrifice carbon minoxide and ozone levels Hormones&Drugs-Prozac,Viagra,Birth operate Ingredients Cryptosporidium-Parasite that causes gastrointestinal disease Guardia Lambdia-Another hanger-on that causes gastrointestinal illness Synthetic Organic Contaminants-Pesticides & herbicides Volatile Organic Compounds-Benzine,Carbon Tetrachloride and dozens of Cancer causing agents

And two of the deadliest compounds know to mankind. Fluoride and Chlorine.

"Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century."

-Robert Carlton, Ph.D, previous Epa scientist, 1992

Sodium Fluoride has been added to our drinking water since the 1940's. This was because of the healing claim that it would sacrifice cavities in children. How did this "medical myth" get started? In 1939 Alcoa was the largest producer of aluminum in the world. Toxic fluoride waste is a by-product of the aluminum production process and is very expensive to dispose of properly. At that time Alcoa was being threatened by damage claims stemming from this toxic waste. A scientist employed by Alcoa, Gerald J. Cox tested fluoridated water on lab rats. He accomplished that it reduced cavities in the lab rats. He claimed it would also do so for children. End of Alcoa's toxic waste disposal problem. Not only that they could now get paid for dumping this toxic sludge into our drinking water.

In a 2003 study done for the Epa it was accomplished the Us Food and Drug Administration,the National create for Dental investigate and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry had no proof that fluoride was safe and efficient in preventing cavities. The international Academy of Oral treatment and Toxicology has classified fluoride as an unapproved dental medicament due to it's high toxicity. The Us National Cancer create has found fluoride to be an"equivocal carcinogen". And yet it is pumped into our water contribute and our toothpaste.

Chlorine is a deadly toxic chemical. It is used in water treatment to sacrifice and kill bacteria and viruses found in water systems. Chlorine is harmful to humans and animals when ingested. It is especially harmful to you when you take a shower or bath. This is because when heated the "shower steam" can release up to 100 times the amount of chlorine into the air you breathe as toxic chloroform. Chlorine causes respiratory problems,dry brittle hair,dry skin and is an eye irritant.

Is bottled water the answer. In a word, No. Most bottled water is nothing more than filtered tap water. It is run through a charcoal filter to enhance the taste,but does dinky to remove harmful contaminants. Besides it is difficult to handle, cumbersome to store and can be quite expensive.

So what is the answer? You can purchase a quality water filtration law for as dinky as 0. But be careful.

Not all systems remove lead and most do not remove fluoride. A fluoride filter must be attached to remove it.

A chlorine filter for the shower is also a must.

And don't forget the fluoride found in toothpaste. Tom's of Maine, sold in Wal-Mart is a fluoride free toothpaste.

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